Saturday, February 11, 2012

Name Tag Lanyard Project

I sent home 2 baggies from the last meeting with plastic letter beads, foam cookie beads, a green ribbon, a yellow lanyard, a white index card and some foam letters.  These are all to make a special name tag to be worn at cookie booth sales!

You can design it however you want.  

  1. To put the beads on the lanyard, you first have to take off the black plastic closure from the yellow string.  It's easy, just press the button and slide it off!  
  2. Before you string the beads, my suggestion is to lay them out on the table so that you get all of the letters in the write position and going the right way.
  3. Now decide where you want the middle to be - this is where the silver nametag hook will hang.
  4. Start stringing your beads.  You can use the toothpick to help push the string through the hole.  Sometimes it helps twisting the string while pushing if it get stuck (think of a drill making a hole).
  5. After you put a few letters on, lay the string down on the table and make sure your letters are headed the right direction and your word isn't backwards.
  6. When you are done stringing, put the black closure back on but pressing the button to open the hole, then thread both ends of the yellow string through the hole.
  7. Now you can put the index card on the silver clip and decorate it.  There should be enough stickers to write your name twice (you only have to write it once).
YAY!  Nametags!  Don't forget to put it with your vest/sash and bring it with you when you do cookie sales!

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