Saturday, February 2, 2013

Journey Marathon & Pacific Science Center Sleepover

Journey Marathon

What:  Finish (well, almost) the GS Journey - Agent of Change - in one day, instead of working on it for a whole year!  We are going to buckle down and put our noses to the grindstone.  We are already part way through (those that did not work on it last year can easily catch up), so let's finish all the way up to the community service project.

When:  Saturday, March 9, 1:30pm-5:30pm (note:  you are not picking your daughter up at this time, scroll down)

Where:  My house - I will email you the address when you rsvp

Why:  In order to "bridge up" to Cadettes and/or to receive your Bronze Award, you Girl Scouts requires you to complete 1 Journey.

Food:  yes, I will have snacks (fruits, veggies, cheese sticks and GS cookies) as well as dinner (I'm thinking pizza)

Fun:  there will be a fashion show to present our duct tape creations and maybe a little dancing

Do I have to?  No, you can skip the Journey Marathon and just attend the sleepover if you do not intend to "bridge up" with us in June.


We are heading down to the Pacific Science Center for the Girl Scout Camp-In

Things that we get to do: Energy Boost Hands-On Science Workshop, Planetarium Show, Live Science Show, Private, after-hours access to permanent exhibits, including the Tropical Butterfly House, Laser Light Show and IMAX Film, Visit the brand new exhibit: Professor Wellbody's Academy of Health & Wellness, And of course - SLEEP OVER!
  • Packing list is here, along with other information.  Waiver forms are here - bring them with you.
  • Pack REALLY light - it is only 1 night and my house is small (we need space to dance on Sat.).
  • Pick-up is at 9:30am at the Pacific Science Center.  Please don't be late.
Questions, concerns, comments, jokes?  email me :)

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