Friday, January 6, 2012

Girl Led Meetings & Girl's Responsibilities

This is the year that we are starting to put the girls in charge of their meetings.  Part of Girl Scouting is achieving the confidence to be a leader.  I will talk to the girls more about this on Friday.  Your daughter will need to sign up for one snack time and one patch/fieldtrip.

1) snack time - bringing snack, set-up, serving and clean-up
  • girls will be assigned in groups of 2 
  • snack should be healthy and not messy - and not need refrigeration
  • your daughter will miss a portion of the meeting when she is on snack duty.  I will make sure she is up-to-date on what she missed by the end of the meeting.
  • I will add the girls names to the Google Calendar for the date they signed up for
2) Choose an earned patch OR fieldtrip to arrange and lead with her parent's help - choose the activities that need to be completed and guide the troop during the activity.  Please RSVP with date and activity you are planning (for patches, pick a meeting date already on the calendar) and I will add it to the Google calendar.
  • there are 3 series of patches we can work on in addition to the Journey patches:
    • each girl brought home the "Badge Activity Set"
      • Digital Photographer
      • Staying Fit
      • Musician
      • Entertainment Technology
      • Scribe
    • there are Legacy Badges in the binders
      • Drawing
      • Practice with Purpose
      • Inside Government
      • Simple Meals
      • Junior First Aid
      • Junior Scout Way 
      • Flowers
    • or there are "fun patches" that go on the backs of the vest/sash like (these patches have no requirements or guidelines - anything goes as long as it is related to the topic):
      • Tea Party
      • Ice Skating
      • Make New Friends
      • Fire Dept.
      • Plant a Garden
      • etc.
  • you can expect that the girls will need to complete some of the work at home since our meeting time is so short
  • Fieldtrips:  
    • there are several options that we can sign up for here - or you may suggest your own
    • you coordinate the trip & make sure all participants are registered
    • you also need to chaperone the trip and arrange for the appropriate number of chaperones based on number of girls registered (usually 3-4 girls to 1 chaperone)

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