Friday, January 13, 2012

Cookie Presales

Today marks the day that Girl Scouts starts Cookie Pre-Sales.  Your daughter is allowed to start selling cookies if you have turned in your Parent Permission form to me or Dana Pigott.  Please read over the pink & blue sheets (from the manila envelope) with your daughter so that you both understand cookie sales.

Here are the general rules that were discussed at the meeting today:

In General:
  1. Cookies are $4 a box.
  2. There are 8 types of cookies. 
  3. It is a good idea to photocopy the order form every now and then, just in case it gets misplaced (you don't want to loose all of those sales).
  4. YOU are responsible for all of the money that is collected for your daughter's sales.
  5. We are not being competitive.  Each girl has her own goals.
  6. Presales run from Fri. 1/13 to Sun 1/29

Door-to-Door Sales:

  1. I asked the girls to partner up and spend at least one time period doing door-to-door sales with a buddy.  This makes it more fun and takes away some of the stress.  If your daughter needs a buddy, let me know.
  2. There must be a parent with them at all times.
  3. These are pre-sales, so no cookies are passed out yet.  All the girls have to do is fill-out the form (included in the manila envelope sent home earlier this week).  Cookies will be delivered between Feb. 26-Mar. 4 at which time money should be collected.
  4. If someone would like to donate a box of cookies instead of purchasing one for themselves, they can fill-out the form and put the # of boxes in the "Cookie Boxes Donated" column.  They are $4 each and will go to Operation Cookie Drop (sent to US soldiers all over the world).  They can pay for these right away.
  5. Do NOT go into anyones house.
  6. The parent carries the money.
  7. It is mandatory to wear your uniform.
School Sales (FASPS rules):
  1. The girls are allowed to sell at school to teachers and staff only (not to parents).
  2. We went over a list of rules, the primary one being to respect the person's time and ask only when they are on break.
  3. There will be rejection at school - there are 20+ girl scouts in 4th & 5th grade.  The girls need to remember that it is ok to get a "no" and not to take it personally.
  4. This is a situation where they don't have to wear their uniform to sell.
  5. They will deliver cookies during the same time frame as the door-to-door sales, and collect money at that time.
Phone, Email & Office Sales:
  1. The girls need to be the driving force - they should make the phone calls, write the emails, do the asking at the office.
  2. If your daughter wants to send emails to sell cookies, it should be sent from a parents email address.
  3. If you sell cookies for your daughter at your office, she should be the one to deliver the cookies and collect the money - remind her to wear her uniform.
  4. It is illegal to sell G.S. cookies over the internet.
If you have more questions let me know.  This is a lot of information in a very short period of time.  I will be posting more info asap, like a link to a "receipt" that you can print out for pre-sales, how to handle different responses from customers, and allergy concerns.

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